Amiga Flame - Demo of the Month - Scions Of The Forgotten World
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This month I bring you a demo of a new strategy game,
Scions Of The Forgotten World
by DSP and will be Published by Vulcan Software.
Last Month's Demo of the Month -
Developer/ Publisher:
DSP/ Vulcan Software
This is the first demo of a strategy game I have used in the Demo of the Month and I hope to bring even more. It's a genre that the Amiga has been missing for over a year now. Of course there has been many hits such as UFO: Enemy Unknown, Civilisation but no new ones until now.
Scions of the Forgotten World by DSP is one of many that plans to fill that gap and from this demo I can safety say it plays great. In fact I thought I was playing a full game, it was that fun but it's only an early demo with 5 levels. It's a bit like Warcraft 2.
After loading up it will bring you straight to the game. In Level 1 you will have an Inn which stores the Wood and Gold to help build other buildings. The Mine is where you can get Gold to use in the development of new buildings. The Farm supplies your people with food and helps to increase the size of the local population. The Well shows the growth and each time it fills up you get a new citizen.
Around the buildings are your Farmers and Militia. The Farmers can be used to dig in the Mines for gold or chop down wood. They are used in the construction of new buildings. The Militia around your base will help protect it attack any attackers. You can even use them to patrol the base in a set pattern.
In Level 1 your first aim is to supply Wood and Gold so you can build a Blacksmith and another Farm. The Farm will allow an increase in the citizens and with the Blacksmith you can turn them into Militia, Archer or Scouts. You need to select the Farmer and hit on Harvest and click on the Mine to get Gold. Once he's got enough he will take it to the Inn where it is stored. He'll continue to go from the Mine to the Inn until you tell him to stop. You do the same with getting the Wood.
After a while you'll have enough Gold and Wood to build the Blacksmith and more Farms. Now it's time for War. Before heading north make sure you have build up a big army as with a few troops you'll get wiped out. The tactic I used was to move with the Militia in front followed by Archer has they can fire from long range but killed easily close up. Then send a Scout ahead, who should come across the enemy quickly but don't attack them but Retreat. The enemy will follow and you can lead them straight to your army of Militia and Archers.
To the North East is another Mine from which you can get more Gold as the other Mine will run out. You then move East and destroy all the enemy and then your at his base from where you can Burn it down. You've Won.
But that's the easy Level so I'll let you work out the other 4 levels, Good Luck. Remember to write down the Code you get after completing each Level.
Download Scions Demo
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Installation For
Make a new drawer called Scions.
Copy the lha file into the drawer.
To dearchive the lha file, open a Shell prompt and type
lha x ScionsPreview2.lha
and this should then automatically dearchive the lha file.
Open the drawer called Scions and double click on the Icon to load the game.
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